Sunday, March 12, 2006

Weekend Bender...

So to say that the end of the week was sober would be lying.

I had a fight with a whiskey and a cribbage game. The whiskey won both. I was playing with Dr. Evil. He didnt do 12 years of evil meidcal school to be called Mr.

Then later after the Ultimate game there was Mexican night that I could hardly wait for. Now in retrospect, I can barely hold it to get to the bathroom in time. Those refried are explosive. But I had a strange experience with family lineage and couple a germans and feeling that I didnt know where this story was going. Because I didnt know where the story was going. I had to do with me and my Danish name and the french and that damned cartoon. It all results in a ban of breakfast pastries. And that makes me sad.

Elsewhere I was researching some of the divesites in the South Sinai and came across a great pic of the Yolanda reef, where the Yolanda wrecked during a storm, dropping its load, and then falling off the reef wall to a depth of 600m. Ha, I said "load"...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not sure why they are mad at the Danish folk, not fair, i love those rolls. kool pic of the cans, interesting as to where they were taking them to start with. wiskey always wins, has never lost a game. enjoy your thoughts, thanks for taking the time to post.