Needless to say the glop in the cavity that should be occupied by brain has ceased and desist. This is good. Bc after the sessions of nasal douching I reckon that the post kayak nose flash floodings are better to be gone. "Hi, Im glurp" as a stream of stream water waters out my schnauz. So let me show you how it works....
1. Mix warm water and a small tablespoon of salt. Drink through the nose.
2. Keep drinking through the nose untill sufficient amount able to be spit out of mouth. Make facial expression here.
3. Continue until all water mix is gone and repeat if necessary. If the mix burns, it is either too hot or too much salt. The perfect mix is almost undetectable bc it matches the salinity and temperature of your body.
This probably would have been MUCH funnier if I could see any of the pictures. But, hey, it still made me chuckle to see you drinking salt water through your nose. ~LMAO~ You know, you could always come to florida and do that. :)
So when are we going out for beer?
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