Sunday, February 10, 2008

Travels of a String wad....

First the string must be eaten. Sometime later it will irritate the digestive system, causing loss of sleep, eventually leading to puking said wad of string onto floor for reexamination and possible reconsumption. Kona ate her blanket.

Meanwhile were back at it in NM where the addition is coming along quite nicely and the wind is insane, not to mention cold and very unlike the low humid warmth that was present in Egypt.

Fish Garden view from the new flat

A lot of things happened. Most super fun. Lots of shisha, sakkara, smog, sunburn, dehydration, french fries, and haggling. With all the travels and my first experience of EXTREME jet lag, I have to move in reverse chronological order in keep things semi-non-awkward. Btw, the trip revived the awkward turtle from its comfort and slumber, only to get pwned, as you may have heard already from the memoirs.

This is the first time I have ever had issues sleeping on a plane. It could have been the less than optimal beer availability, the lack of comfortably attractive flight attendants (who hires bitter grandmas, I mean really?) or the family with 4 four little boys that had eaten the chocolate coated suger bombs for breakfast before kicking the stuffing out of the back of seat, grabbing my hair and poking my feet. Did I mention screaming, I think there was some of that too. Kids have been mandatorally removed from any near future plans as a result. I also gave manders the good business class seats on a couple flights. Trust me, that will never happen again.

Must clean, organize, plan, sleep....


Manders said...

Never again?!?

Shoes? Banana?

Anonymous said...

jet ski? wind surfing?

Manders said...
