Friday, September 04, 2009

In There....

Finally make it to Cali via the Mojave (sucks) and into the San Joaquin (sucks) and drive right through this oil ranch. I dont think you could get them pumpjacks any closer if you tried. Mind you the temp in the SJ valley is a solid 10 degrees hotter than the Mojave, which was quite unexpected (108F). You could say the jacks, the heat, us, and everything was "In There".

On the Coast all was good. Temperatures went down to the 60's, there was water and Zambi could get out and freak out. Shes perhaps the best travelling dog in the world. She slept from Flagstaff all the way to the California coast. I wish I couldve been doing that.

1 comment:

lapunk said...

more, more more more.

sorry i missed you on yer lil Cali excursion. next time!