Saturday, June 10, 2006

I dont have a picture...

Yes, I know, but I dont. The rafting season has begun and all is so good. The river reached a big high yesterday and extremely fun.

We did some pre run calculations and figured out our problems. One: the Stillwater was running at some enormous 5000+ CFS and we noticed that we might not be able to fit the rafts under the bridges. A little reminder of the shitty bridge at Okoboji, which I think I spelled wrong. We found the rafts had 3 inches free from the lowest bridge. Then theres a nine inch nail.... Two: you really gotta think fast, this waters a moving! But all was good and I have the most amazing blisters and callouses from 3 days of rafting and oaring from 930 to 4.

And the koolaid guy busts through the wall..."Oh YEAH"!

But I do have photos from the 12 hours race. Czech it!

Theres Damon and I exercising our right to abuse substances over the 12 hour race. As well I have to point out the awesome collection of costumes and creativity for the ride. That would be foil....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one crazy the river weather??