Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sharm el Sheik...

Really a strange assortment of events....but the Jenster and myself and the rest of her flat all went to Sharm for a little sunburn last tweekend. Jen's brother was in town and Rah-rah was all over that like peanut butter on toast.

So we missed the initial departure due my dumb ass and finaly caught the bus at 5 after waiting and drinking vodka and some jack and getting called out on the jack everywhere. Now I know... The cool part was that the whole weekend was ful of surprises:

1. The friends in Sharm had no idea that we were actually coming, so when we got there at 2:30 in the friggen morning, they had to have a drink with us and kinda sneak us in to say...

2. April Fools was coming up and Shannon had no idea that we actually made it there... so we used that to our advantage and played it up a bit, unaware of what was to happen on the first.

3. Making a story up, and the friends in Sharm in on it a bit, we texted and said that I had forgot my passport and never made it to Sharm, were detained in a someplace for awhile, got out and were seeking the number for the embassy, and trying to find an alternate route home minus our stuff and or Keith...we were very vague...

4. This is when Guy gets involved and actually had a friend locked up in said place and started getting nervous and making escape plans for us and making calls and about to contact the embassy and my mom....ahhh. At this time I was passed out on the bus back to Cairo and the phone was recieving about 14 calls and texts as to out condition and whereabouts...

5. The friends in the car on thier way back got owned by Guy, as he had one last chance to figure out what the hel was going on. So called and asked if they had seen us and that he had an agent on the move investigating our disapearance and any information would be most helpful. The agent had already started his mission and was armed and so on... Well to say that they freaked out and told the whole story might be an understatement, but the joke was told and now we were still sleeping on the bus.

6. As we pull into Cairo I find my phone and the messages and stuff and drop a text to Guy, "Hi". You know something simple and harmless as I now know that he has figured it out. His response was quite amusing: " Not as high as your nuts will be after I nail you to a tree.." Ooops.
7. So we got Shannon real good. And she even cleaned the house. Awesome.

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