Monday, November 27, 2006

More Posts...

I need to put some more of these things up. So I start here:

The origin of things Globulous...

The mystery Eight....
Im also going to make a sweet collage of all of my photo IDs. Just to prove that I really should be an undercover agent. And to show the effects of ageing are grossly overexagerated....Soon!!

2+ Months in a Motel....

Some places you meet the weirdest people. I would say for sure that this stupid motel is a hot spot for the unlikely, and combined with texas, you have a recipe for crazy dreams.

I woke a couple of weeks ago to a couple north of me humping. I think the walls on the other side of the building are a little thicker. Then about ten minutes later a southbound couple begain the morning wail. I wish I smoked. The whiskeys all gone.

Theres a group of complete strangers doing something?: big city black guy with gold teeth inthe whole front range, ACDC longhaired whiteguy, the moron cowboy, the skinny black kid, and the trucker looking dude. I try and avoid that window. Its always open inviting a glance inside. I looked once. I'll never do it again.

Crazy drivers.

My bed is made everyday.

The indians who run the show are actually awesome. And they set off the fire alarm with their cooking. $500 a pop when the fire truck shows up. Note to self.

My bed has three pillows. Menage a trois I think is the plan. In this town its a scary plan.

The mini coffee maker. An oddity of itself. Half broken, half working, a big electrocution hazard when it keeps falling into the sink. I dont know how the carafe hasnt broke yet? Hawaiian blend in the giant bandit pouch. Gross. I bought my own.

The porjecto seems to slow as the seasons holidays start piling up. I wonder where all my saved money has gone to. Loneliness in a dry county is parching. Its also fattening. I feel something special around the lower parts of my ....OMG....yep, those handles are there for the gripping.

I wish I was skiing. Biking. Diving. Sleeping.


This country gives me the heebie jeebies. I must seek something better, faster, wetter, colder, higher. The eternal search and its queries seem always just out of reach. Almost there. And then Bush happens.

I cant wait.

While I was waiting I found a long lost pic in the email archives. You shall enjoy. Brian almost burnt the house down lighting the feather thing on fire. My boyscout stuff went up in flames with the cabin at the churchy campy thing.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Amazing Asphault DH, aka Bunny Ears!...

Wildland Fire....

I gots the Shiner in my hand and was just hanging out with the mexicanos trying ot pick up on some espanol that I forgot. Like all of it. I can still speak smack though. Entonces revista su repuestos....

Im getting reassigned, in theory, to a new position as a supervisor . Y un nuevo projecto en California, yeah. As the new super I get to bounce around projects around the states and check up on my GIS'lings and keep the flow flowing. I like the travel bit. Good stuff.

I also looked into buying a 4x4 and found a Frontier 2002 for 6500. Sounds good until I looked at the odometer. WTF does 290,000 mile really mean? I do know that the Nissan 4banger back in Ne has about 350k and it still drives like when I bought it.

But the times back in good ole Braski were loaded with cycling and the cure to a dry palate, pitchers. And then what you dont want to do follow those 6 pitchers of IPA with a fishbowl of sex on the beach....sorry Damon. And thanks for the couch. And after the wilderness ride my BB has never been the same.

So heres a random bit from the heartland: (maybe later...)

Working on It!!!

Damn, dog?

Im going to California soon....

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Meat Market....

A couple things in the recent events of my life have brought me to this two word title. Allow me to emancipate your minds with my total confusion and excellent use of the english language in the only the most dispicable ways.

Weatherfords total lack of life drove me to the gaming scene, because I dont really want to drink and drive. And Im not talking about World of Warcraft. I just likethe simple FPS games running around in maps shooting and capture the flag stuff. But this game that Brian got me is rediculous. FEAR will leave you pretty scared after playing the game and then you get online and it gets all gorey and gross and explosive. fun. time consuming. life consuming.

Im only part way through that book still, btw....

Last night Damon and I got into the whiskey and then headed downtown for some last call beers. We met some friends and were enroute to a house party when I meet this guy in the alley. He sticks out his hand and asks for directions. His hand is covered in blood. yadda yadda yadda...and it turns out this guy got caught in a bar fight split his head open on the corner of a brickwall, bleeding profusely everywhere. Whoa. We get him to his house where, when we go in the front door one guy is watching porn on the projector, the other roomies are doing some crazy drugs and it all went south from there. I hope the guy faired well bc I split. I wish I had a handgun for that situation. Btw, those roomies suck.

Next is the movie Departed. A must see. with scene that really shocled the shit out of me. Im still braindrained. I dont get it. Someone needs to verify that it is the way it is...

Whoa, 4am is not the time to go to bed.....