Monday, September 29, 2008

Breathing Room....

So with a little time on my hands, and the friends and family on their merry ways, I did a little clean up. And made a nice little privacy fence at the same time. Neat.

While all this was happening a mouse ran out from the pile and I tried to hit it with a log while Jimmy moved the pieces of wood it was hidden under. After a lot of missed we finally got paid with a flat mouse and all the guts leaving the immediate vicinity and arriving harshly to the inside leg of Jimmy's shorts. It was a fairly gross experience. I laughed. Which means Im next.

And speaking of fun, Kevin and Joe were here and we started frankensteining the pathfinder. Its now a pickup (custom) and almost ready for the hills as soon as the exhaust manifold is put together....any day now.

Note: The door is just there for aesthetics for now. Its simply balanced there with the lock button down. Helmets required.

And there should be more weekend pics as soon as I get them.....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dive Humor....

Sunday, Someday....

A couple of new goings-ons happening here. Some political, some are tasty, some are repair and some be artsy. In no particular order.

Keg + Fridge + CO2 = Kegerator
Synonymous with satiated thirst and good times had by all. Productivity goes up, but still considered below the bar as far as world standards are concerned. Im not concerned.

The new deposit of Ernies Mountain Wine. More good times followed by less good mornings.

Upon Arrive at the shop office in Salida we found a fresh one. All three of us drove up in search of views and relaxing awesomeness. We found all of the above along with some road rejected meat toss that landed conveniently on the back porch. So fresh it was that the flies werent present till the next afternoon. Amazingly, we called the Division of Wildlife, and they actaully came and picked it up. They just moved up my list about one hundred thousand notches.

And then on the drive back south we conveniently took 64 to the Taos Gorge Bridge. Amazing, considering that I rafted under it everyday for 2 months. I still think the best view is looking up though.

So now that the US is in this finacial crisis, camping out still seems like a good idea. Almost a better idea than before. There is one candidate that, after hearing him speak on the current state of affairs, is quite scary. Better get out there and register to vote, and vote, or else you have no say in the matter.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Wrapping It Up in Montucky....

So the end is near for the sweet northern 3 week vacation which included:

Axing down trees
Beaver Mechanics (including: how to make an oil pan leak)
Extreme Dog Walking
Extreme Cold Weather (including massive amounts of rain)
Mountains of Food
Way Too Much Time in Billings

We shall be back in the NM territory in a couple days, with a kegerator!! So beware....