Wednesday, October 18, 2006


A couple of things from the semihomefront. Dont even think for a minute that I waould call this place home....That said, work is hectic, shits going down out in the field as some surveyors were arrested for trespassing because of poor mapping. Not mine though. Whoosh. And who has the best campaign artist? Kinky Friedman, a comedian. Havent been to the gym yet, but the diet has been improved by less texan homestyle cookin and my body has rejoiced. 1/2 gallon of yogurt in the morning and wow. Or moo.


Anonymous said...

It looks like a bored Texan's idea of a doon buggy. What exactly is the point of these "vehicles"? Do they have generators on the back or does it require 2 engines to run this beast?

Anonymous said...

Can I get a ride in one? That's the most important question.

Anonymous said...

Humdelallah! It wasn't your map!