Some places you meet the weirdest people. I would say for sure that this stupid motel is a hot spot for the unlikely, and combined with texas, you have a recipe for crazy dreams.
I woke a couple of weeks ago to a couple north of me humping. I think the walls on the other side of the building are a little thicker. Then about ten minutes later a southbound couple begain the morning wail. I wish I smoked. The whiskeys all gone.
Theres a group of complete strangers doing something?: big city black guy with gold teeth inthe whole front range, ACDC longhaired whiteguy, the moron cowboy, the skinny black kid, and the trucker looking dude. I try and avoid that window. Its always open inviting a glance inside. I looked once. I'll never do it again.
Crazy drivers.
My bed is made everyday.
The indians who run the show are actually awesome. And they set off the fire alarm with their cooking. $500 a pop when the fire truck shows up. Note to self.
My bed has three pillows. Menage a trois I think is the plan. In this town its a scary plan.
The mini coffee maker. An oddity of itself. Half broken, half working, a big electrocution hazard when it keeps falling into the sink. I dont know how the carafe hasnt broke yet? Hawaiian blend in the giant bandit pouch. Gross. I bought my own.
The porjecto seems to slow as the seasons holidays start piling up. I wonder where all my saved money has gone to. Loneliness in a dry county is parching. Its also fattening. I feel something special around the lower parts of my ....OMG....yep, those handles are there for the gripping.
I wish I was skiing. Biking. Diving. Sleeping.
This country gives me the heebie jeebies. I must seek something better, faster, wetter, colder, higher. The eternal search and its queries seem always just out of reach. Almost there. And then Bush happens.
I cant wait.
While I was waiting I found a long lost pic in the email archives. You shall enjoy. Brian almost burnt the house down lighting the feather thing on fire. My boyscout stuff went up in flames with the cabin at the churchy campy thing.
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looks like a few square miles of wild prarie could have burned up along with this one.....hmmm....I didn't do it.
I know who did...
I dont really feel like extorsion this early in the morning....
Hey, there was no where near the house burning down. There wasn't even any real smoke damage. Besides you were too young to even remember that well. So there. Pttttt...
i esp like the effect of the one beer looking like two
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