Tuesday, March 13, 2007


So the YZ is fantastic. It throws some great 40ft rooster tails and doesnt like bentonite. But who does. Im finding out more and more how much more often I need to change the oil, so Im ordering 10 filters and a couple gallons of synthetic oil. Fun. Im glad I had a job over the winter, which didnt seem much like winter to me.
But to my moms suggestion, Im building a photo segment Im calling "Rust" for now. Hopefully I can get it in a coffee shop somewhere just to say I did. I bet the Motohaus in Loveland Co might be interested. Or something in the ITC in Bozeman. Who knows? Who Cares?
It would be stuff like this rusty chain. And I revisited the old post with trucks and theyre all from Nebraska? WTF?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice eye - the most artistic presentation of a rusty chain I have ever seen!