Saturday, April 28, 2007


Again I wander around and find myself in the midst of great things.

I just left Spokanada smiling and riddled with flat tires and headed back to RL. Got a call for help and headed over to the fishing mecca of Ft. Smith (eff tee smith) on the Reservation, so no beer is sold, byo only. Here at the beautiful Big Horn River Lodge life slows down, though mine was busy. Busy fixing and fishing. Putting in new well pipe, starting a dozen small engines for the first time of the season, moving, cleaning, decorating the lodge with dead animal heads and stuffed fish, replacing small tubing for water pumps everywhere. There are dogs and mayflies and sunrises and fishermen or fisherpeoples. Theres egos and my ego after catching a huge 4 lb'er bass in the ponds (pics tomorrow!).

I remember the days when I lived in Costa Rica at Rafiki. Ah, the awesome craziness. Well turns out that my friends that ran the lodge there are running the lodge here. Carlo and Janel rock it. Tight!

Did I mention the huge Bass yet?

So I better toss in a random pic of something...

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