Friday, August 31, 2007

You Got Pwned, Bit'th....

If you dont know the origin of Bit'th, I shall elucidate : There once was this loading dock by the tracks in Bozeman. One this loading dock was some graffiti where some idiot was spraying out naughty words and misspelled "bitch". Every time we drove by it after a hard day of skiing you would almost lose your toast laughing so hard.

To the Pwnage: About a week ago or more I was sitting on the back porch with my mom drinking wine and watching the field mice hop on the wall through the vines. Cute, big ears, diseased. Needless to say, mom freaked out. Since then there has been little poison traps all over. And, ever since, there has been a growing number of pwned mice. One was in the house somewhere, so it probably died in the couch or something? Yuck.

Allow me to Document...

#1 This little fucker died trying to get out of the garage via a corner hole or something. He died vertically stuck in the hole though has since fallen over. Kinda looks like two of em now.

#2 Found him in the vines, tossed em over the wall.

#3 The super teeny. I think I stepped on this one 4 times before I noticed. About the size of a quarter.

#4 Another one in the vines. He didnt make it too far from the poison.

#5 Toasted in plain site. He resides under the glass table. Still. A message to all the other mouse, "youre not welcome here."

#6 The Elusive. When cleaning the garage I moved all that scrap lumber out to sweep. Discovery. While beefing up the crappy TV stand for a fish tank with said lumber I found this fatty.

Btw.... I have personally redefined the word "mouse" as being either singular OR plural, because it sounds better that way. Like "deer" or "fish" only better.


Anonymous said...

eeeeuuuuwwww! So these are the critters that were living the high life in the van and the house --- at least I hope these are the ones! I think they are cute but need to stay in their own territory - then each has its own domain - STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE WALL!

Back in screaming hot Cairo - can mice (sorry - mouse) live in this?

Thanks for the lovely memories of SFe - Love, The Mom

Anonymous said...

it's good to see your still out there and not just a figment of my philosophy professor's imagination.
we have goodies for you from costa rica and a baby on the way. do you know where we can sell it? send word or come around the corner on two wheels sometime soon.
word. dustin

Manders said...

We're SO gonna get rabies...schmeh...

G-Mapp said...

I hate to be the barer of bad news but the for mentioned wall of Bisnackawitch has been removed to make room for more over priced condos to be purchased by trustifarian college students.