Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Toasting It....

The hard drive is a burning. I set stuff to render and come back hours later only to find its not done yet. But its ok I found a way to pass the time. Digging. I dug a trench from the driveway to the back yard where there will soon be my own custom drainage pond. If I could only find some bentonite. funny thing is I started emptying the water barrels and watching the water flow only to find it not only doesnt go to the end but disappears into the nothingness. Nothingness is a synonym for gopher hole. 150 gallons sucked up by gophers. Made me made so I started excavating the tunnel and found that it goes the distance of the house plus more into the neighbors lot. Ugh.
Illustrator and Arcmap. A match made in heaven. My first combo print that turned out to be so high res that I completely lost my schist. Note my unorthodox hillshading from the SE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is AMAZING! I want one!