Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Ramblin' Cafe....

The other day I went to this cafe to get some breaky with John. We walked in and John immediatly commented on the "gringo killing green chile". Heres what I noticed about the place in order of observation:

1. the guy taking my order was stout, black shirt with 'fight' and 'gym' on it.
2. after sitting down, the tv in the corner was showing back to back UFC fights
3. the wall to my left was covered in framed photos of wrestling and jujitsu competitions
4. the green chile on my huevos rancheros nearly killed me. Tears, heavy breathing, constant consumption of water and sweating, due to the massive increase in body temperature, which caused the sweating, as well as some loss of balance, blurred vision, watery eyes, trouble focusing, sweating, and immediate need to be near the vininity of a toilet for the next 4 hours, and some more sweating.

Fact of the matter is that it tasted REALLY good and I feel the need to make it back there for some scientific consumptive inquiries....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


whats with the jujitsu stuff all about?