Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sold my Soul for an iPod...

So I have to go to work. And I have to wear I tie to get the job where I have to complain about going to, because everybody else does. Its not bad, Infact its really fun and really challenging. I’m meeting with a cool guy from DC later to discuss the options within his group, CYM, that are starting projects all over the place. This is a great opportunity to venture farther east teaching kids how to take control of their community and make it happen. Anyway I had to wear a tie. I don’t like ties or dressing up. And the tie selection here is gawd-aweful. I’ve never seen so many pieces of fabric that should be burned. So I bought one and wore it and felt really smart for a couple of hours, got home, took it off, and returned to my normal mental state and had a beer. I wore a tie. I also own, not one, but two mobile phones. Shit.


Anonymous said...

I never thought i would see you in a tie........never......never! i have to say you look very professional and good! I love it, giving into the system, you put up a good fight for many years but i really think you look good in one. I should have taught you how to tie one, not sure what kind of knot that is, a scout knot maybe. Hope the interview goes great you are a winner!

DragonShrine said...

OH MY GODS!!! Someone call the fire dept, the police, the Men in Black. Someone stole Keith and replaced him with a doppleganger. AAIIIEEEE!!!! Seriously. That is just ... wierd dude. I thought this was the beard out of control, wild hair, scruff looking nerf herder boy that rebelled and fought against the man. ~Shakes head~ I never thought I would see the day. ~Laughing and pointing~ Ha, welcome aboard corpy drone. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

I want to hear about the taxi drivers i need more......more.....more I am hooked on your stories i need them please!

Turfdraagster said...

keep you pants on...I got photos, I got a story, theres just one part of the story missing...tomorrow I hope, my friend with secret identity will reveal the missing bit. secret identity because of the nature of the content. Not Safe For Inocent Minds (NSFI)