Tuesday, December 20, 2005

It may very well be The Time....

I really want to gabber about some political issues and the whatnot of the whowhere... The only issue is if this might be seen as a real turn off or what? And the only way to know is to ask. So thats what I'm doing.

I'm supposed to be classifying right now. But I'm thinking about the state of the union and pretty much the states of all unions around the world. The US is rapidly making decisions to remove itself from the #1 spot and I think its a lot easier to see the problem from the outside. Everyone is very much sedated by the American theme. Like a drug, it is accepted and then people wander off and think about things that they want to think about, like a new TV or car. Well, being a very material country is one thing, being lazy is another, and thinking that you only have two choices of bad or worse is another. None of the above are a good reason for the failure to grasp onto YOUR world.

Now I'm gonna go eat some American Oreos, because they're good.


Anonymous said...

well put K-diggidy, I shure do miss traveling and getting a different view of american politics than what is shoved down our throughts here in the states, shure makes you see that we really don't have our shit together as much as we are lead to beleave. and it is good to here that there is someone else in a land far far away slacking off as well. check your drowrs G

Anonymous said...

Very well put and you are right on....... I just finished my oreo's and they were great, dunking them in milk is the only way to go, weather in egypt or the states..... you are the main man.