Saturday, February 04, 2006

Back in the daze...

I totally forgot, and have never showed many this image, but I used to live in this very house. No walls, sweeta roof, mold and mildew...

With 2-3 meters of mud and stones. The roof is on the ground now, though nothing has moved.


Anonymous said...

wow......Ralene ok i hope? forgot about all the trouble down there. it looks bad from the pic are they going to rebuild or walk away or do you know. othe pics are great and the writing is brilliant.....not sure where you got that talent. looks like it was all fun. thanks for taking the time to put it all on the blog i appreciate your time and talent.

Anonymous said...

Well guess what?
I don't appreciate your time and I don't think you are terribly brilliant. In fact, most of this blog is STOLEN from this blog:
