Sunday, February 19, 2006

Whillist in Thy Nature...

As I look down apon thee with exaustion, two things cross my feeble mind: Food and Sex. This really must be heaven? I mean, three years strangling on the outskirts nowhere, not even close to salty peaks, and I am delivered to this joyous refuge in the coastal Middle East...WOW, this really is a sensual experience. And a meter of the freshie face shots make me hungry.

Keep in touch all this week for a centerfold of Lebanon's luscious and luxurious layaway that will make some folks start looking for tickets for next Feb...

1 comment:

DragonShrine said...

DUDE! I so want to go visit and ski now. Very nice. And, since I didn't see the comment til now for some reason, just let me know and I will set up a password game for us to play of UT2004. I am so there.