Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cool new Features...

I got a cool new Webcounter, and it virtually put itself on the site. I like that kind of functionality. You can see it if you scroll down to the very bottom of the main page, and scribbitt! there it is. A number. I was Number 1. Today it was 17. Thats neato! If you want one go here.


Anonymous said...

19 my new lucky number! Maybe I'll come back 5 times in the next 5 days and then I'll play the lotto.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully I don't end up with 20...21....22....23...24...25 I don't think I'd win!

Anonymous said...

I think the counter needs a name! Something like.....
Kieth Tracker....no..stupid....
The Amazing Number That Grows!.....even worse... how about ...Czech Your Number! I think this mission requires public comment, my idea pool is stagnant and has little floaties that are beginning to smell. Kind of like a toilet that stopped working but your bowels didn't.

Anonymous said...

23 worn that number in football in high school......yea for me

happy valitines day hill hawk

Turfdraagster said...

Touche...I agree, the counter does need a name, if not a level of mascotdom, whatever that is. By the way, happy valentines!! I made some super yum green chile chicken casserole...and then the world really ended after my "bowels didnt stop working"
